inetd problem under QNX 621


What do you want to do with the Remote Desktop Control from Windows?

If you just want to browse the filesystem (ie drag and drop files, look at directories etc) then Samba (via the Package Installer) is the way to go.

I’ve personally never used or tried XFree86 or XServers on QNX.


Hi, Tim. i would like to develop programmes with the IDE provided by the remote QNX machine. Since i wanna build an adhoc among serveral QNX machines. It would be very convenient to do all the programming just on one machine. And I prefer to use the graphical environment. Thank u.

Ok. I think it not necessary any more. I can use Window based ide and transfer the compiled codes to the target. Thank u.

As you already foudn out, using Windows based IDE is much easier. If you still want to use the QNX-hosted IDE, try phindows to realize your Remote Desktop (no Xfree needed at all)