Triple boot Intel Macbook (OSx, Windows & QNX)

Hi Y’all,

I was wondering if anyone knows if it is possible to triple boot an intel macbook with OSX, Windows and QNX?

Secondly, I was wondering how does QNX Momentics IDE on Windows host works? Is it like Ubuntu on Windows desktop where I actually get the feel of running Linux?

Thank you,

While it is theoretically possible to run QNX on an intel Mac, I don’t think the required peripheral drivers are available. It might however be possible to run QNX as a VM. The knew “bootcamp” seems to be aimed at XP and Vista only, but I’ve heard of a product called “Parallels” which might work.

If you have XP running, you could run QNX under VM Ware.

The QNX Momentics IDE for Windows host is not a full featured QNX for Windows. It is just the IDE (eclipse + a lot of usefull plugins) and the for crosscompiling needed libraries to be installed on windows. For running your apps you will still need to have a QNX OS running, as VM or native does not matter

It work with VMWare although slower then with Parallel.