I am trying to get Photon running on a Freescale MPC8349 board with an ATI Rage 128 PCI video card. At the moment I am starting io-graphics with the following line:
io-graphics -dati_rage128 vid=0x1002,did=0x5245,index=0,xres=640,yres=480,bitpp=16,photon -pphoton
and it exits without an error. If I run sloginfo I get the following:
Jan 01 00:12:54 1 8 0 phfont_init
Jan 01 00:12:54 1 8 0 phfontXX started OK
Jan 01 00:12:54 6 8 0 pci_init: found PCI device 1002:5245
Jan 01 00:12:55 2 8 0 mode init() failed: Invalid argument
Jan 01 00:12:55 1 8 0 fontserver: clean
Jan 01 00:12:55 1 8 0 Received terminate request, exiting - EOK
I believe the mode init() failed line is coming from io-graphics although I don’t know what the cause of it is. If i run io-graphics with DL_DEBUG=1 set, it doesn’t seem as though there are any libraries missing. I have tried the latest patches for io-graphics and it hasn’t made a difference.
Does anyone know what the “mode init() failed: Invalid argument” line is indicating?