Intel 82574 Gigabit Support QNX6

Does anybody knows if QNX 6.4 contains the support for Intel’s 82574L Gigabit Ethernet controller?

I looked at the 6.4 release notes but that didn’t have any information on it. Also the


commands does recognize the Ethernet control (Name/Device ID/Vendor ID, etc) but nothing happens when I give the command:


Has anyone been able to successfully get the 82574 Ethernet controller working?

I am having the same problem. It appears that a newer driver has not been created to support the 82574 chip. If I run on a system with the 82572 or 82573 then QNX 6.4 will load the 544 driver and it works.

Anyone hear if a new driver is being created to support the newer intel chips? Due to obsolesence of the Intel 65nm chipsets I have to move my product to the 45nm. My vendors creating the new boards based on 45nm are using the newer intel network chips.