Add a secondary harddisk to qnx 6.3.2

How can i add and configure secondary harddisk in QNX,can any one tell me the steps to be followed.


I assume you mean you want a 2nd hard disk to be available in order to read/write files on it, not to boot from.

  1. Put your 2nd hard drive in the PC
  2. Boot QNX
  3. Run the ‘df’ command to see all hard disks

Typically the hard disk you boot from will look something like

/dev/hd0t79 (some numbers on the disk size) /

The / is your default mount point for this drive.

Your 2nd hard drive will look like

/dev/hd1t79 (some numbers on the disk size) (/fs/hd1)

the (/fs/hd1) indicates the disk was found but not mounted (I can’t remember if QNX 6.3 auto mounts 2nd drives if they contain QNX file systems).

  1. Mount the 2nd disk with the mount command

mount -t qnx4 /dev/hd1t79 /hd1

This is to mount a QNX filesystem. See the mount command for how to do DOS if that’s your 2nd drive)

The /hd1 is the mount point for the 2nd drive. So to see files on the 2nd drive you do ‘ls /hd1/myDirectory’ to see myDirectory on hd1.

You can set up QNX to auto mount the 2nd drive at boot time once you know the particulars from the df command.


Thanks for your reply Tim, wheni give df command i’ve got this output,

/dev/hd0t79 80292807 64591647 15701160 81% /
/dev/hd1 488397168 488397168 0 100%
/dev/hd0 80293248 80293248 0 100%

Do we need to do any configuration of Hdd using fdisk to create the fstype…??


If hd1 hasn’t been formatted then yes, you’ll have to format it.

For QNX that means using fdisk to define partition(s) followed by dinit.

For DOS that means using standard windows formatting.


Unfortunately the meaning of “Format” is very non-specific and should be quantified. Sometimes the term “low-level format” is used to refer to a hardware configuring of the media. This is what formatting a floppy disk usually means. For modern hard drives and writable CD/DVD’s this is never done.

Another meaning, the one Microsoft uses is to put the usually OS specific structures on the disk, eg. root directory etc, is formatting. This can include a check for bad sectors, usually not needed on a modern drive. QNX continues to use the same meaning they started with in the 80’s. Formatting is a hardware level operation. To initialize the QNX disk structure you use fdisk and dinit. Note that fdisk is optional unless you want to boot off the disk or you want to segregate the the drive into partitions.


Could you please brief me how this can be done, I mean formatting using fdisk followed by dinit.

Also i have a problem with one of my existing qnx server, it takes long time to login when give the credentials.

Thanks for your replies and waiting fro your response.

fdisk /dev/hd#

to use the interactive version.

use fdisk

to get instructions for using the command line version

mount -p /dev/hd#

To mount the partition, presumably number 77, 78 or 79

dinit -h /dev/hd#t77

Be very careful. If your boot disk is /dev/hd0, and you dinit a partition on it, it will be gone and you will be very unhappy.

Hi maschoen,

Thanks for your reply, i used fdisk to format the hdd and selected the OS type as 77 and saved it.

After that when i try to use mount -p /dev/hd1 command it says that -p is illegal option.

Please find the outputs of few commands which may help you to understand what’s going on…


/dev/hd0t79 80292807 63408783 16884024 79% /
/dev/hd1 488397168 488397168 0 100%
/dev/hd0 80293248 80293248 0 100%

now i want to use the /dev/hd1, can i mount it directly or do i need to do any thign using fdisk and dinit…??

fdisk /dev/hd1 show

OS Start End Number Size Boot
name type Cylinder Cylinder Cylinders Blocks

Please let me know how can i proceed further.

Oppse, I was thinking of QNX 4. I think “mount -e /dev/hd1” e for enumerate will do it. If not, “use mount” should help.

As I mentioned before, if you just want to use /dev/hd1 and never boot from it, you can just dinit it directly and then mount it “mount /dev/hd1 /hd”.