QNX 6.4.1 on VMWare ESX

I’m trying to install QNX 6.4.1 on VMWare Server 2.0 using a SCSI drive (because eventually I need to install it on VMWare ESX3 which only supports SCSI), but I get and error during the installation process when it tries to build a new boot image. I’ve followed the instructions from the 6.4.x release notes and QNX 6.4.0 works without any problems, but I need a runtime kit and I can’t get one for 6.4.0. This is what it displays on the screen:

Mounting filesystems…

Copying files to the new QNX partition. Please wait…
100% Copying core files to hard disk.
100% COPY /cd/boot/fs/qnxbase.ifs to /hdisk/boot/fs
100% COPY /cd/boot/fs/qnxbase.ifs to /hdisk/.altboot
100% COPY /cd/boot/fs/qnxbasedma.ifs to /hdisk/boot/fs
100% COPY /cd/boot/fs/qnxbasedma.ifs to /hdisk/.boot
100% COPY /cd/boot/fs/qnxbasesmp.ifs to /hdisk/boot/fs

Recording licenses…complete

COPY /dev/shmem/devb-btmm to /hdisk/sbin/devb-btmm
COPY /dev/shmem/drivers.cfg to /hdisk/boot/sys/drivers.cfg
COPY /hdisk/boot/build/qnxbase.build to /hdisk/boot/build/qnxbase-drvup.build
REBUILDING BOOT IMAGE /hdisk/boot/build/qnxbase-drvrup.build
Line 5: Host file ‘bios.boot’ not available.
/qnxbase/bin/mkifs : failed (6983692 256)

Partition installation aborted!
Please remove the installation media, then reboot your machine.

I didn’t see the instruction but what I did, is installed it on VMWare with IDE, then I update the .boot image to include the btmm driver. The I delete the virtual disk ( while keeping the image), then add a new one but in SCSI mode this time. That booted fine. The virtual machine was imported in ESX3 and is working fine. In fact we have a beast of a machine hosting 13 virtual machines all running at the same time!.

That worked! I had no idea you could switch controllers in VMWare like that. Of course, it gave me a warning message about it, but it seems to be working fine. Thank you very much.