
While runing the remote login program i.e. SSH on QNX, I am getting the error of
“ssh: connect to host [IP] port 22: Connection refused”. I want to take remote login from QNX machine to Windows. Both are in the same network.

Is there any specific setting that needs to do to establish the connection.?

Thanks and Regards,

It’s possible that ssh is not enabled in inetd.conf. It’s possible that inetd isn’t running. It’s possible that ssh isn’t installed. If all of these are wrong, then I’m out of ideas for now.

I have checked the status and the result are

  1. the ssh is enabled in inetd.conf
  2. inetd is also running and
  3. ssh is also installed properly.
    But still, I am getting the error of
    “ssh: connect to host [IP] port 22: Connection refused”.

Please suggest me any other way to solve this issue.

Thanks and Regards,

Windows does not have ssh daemon :stuck_out_tongue:
As i read you want to login in your windows machine.
QNX side: inetd + sshd is only if you want to use e.g. putty on windows and connect to your QNX machine.