Qnx accessing Bluetooth data

hi i m new to qnx…
i am using qnx in vmware on xp…i want to access a bluetooth data from a bluetooth device. as i connect tat blue tooth device to use a file ll b created automatically in /dev/ , and i m writting code in qnx momentics to access tat buletooth device. im using following prog but i m not getting response from tat BTdevice… plz help…

i use all proper headers

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

int fd;
char buffer[50];
char command[ ] = "get var\x0d" ;   /*command to access blue tooth device */
int n;

 fd = open ("/dev/serusb", O_RDWR );
 n = write (fd, command ,sizeof (command) );
             read (fd, buffer , sizeof (buffer));

 printf ("bluetooth device : %s", buffer);



Does QNX supports Bluetooth devices? As i know - no, it doesn’t… Or u have special driver for your device?