#include <img.h>???

No Such File Or Directory?

What is the meaning o fthat?

in the help file I have Copied it to **.c file, but not compiling why that isn’t?

It means that the compiler couldn’t find the file img.h. Your post lacks the detail necessary to give you a precise answer. Do you have the img.h file somewhere, try “img.h” instead if <img.h>

C:\QNX641\target\qnx6\usr\include\img in this path but momentics didn’t found it

thanks mario,

To my knowledge this is not a QNX header file? Please post complete code, and how you build it.

I am the new user for the QNX. I study step by step help file.
I added only Header file now, I am studying yet

I write such as;

#include “C:\QNX641\target\qnx6\usr\include\img\img.h”

and compiling any error but when I add

[color=red]img_lib_t ilib = NULL;
int rc;
if (rc = (img_lib_attach(&ilib)) != IMG_ERR_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, “img_lib_attach() failed: %d\n”);
return -1;


I have an error which that “undefined reference to `img_lib_attach’”

and I met kind of error like this at another tutorial
why is it?

#include “etc/system/config/img.conf”

error. How can I include that?

And I have general Question For help file, is the help file insufficient?
I can’t understand and I can’t write code as it written and didn’t compiled?

I looked it up, didn’t know about img.h. OK you need to include <img/img.h> there is an error in the example.

As for the img_lib_attach error, you need to tell momentic you are using this library which by default isn’t used.

I don’t understand why you thing you need to include img.conf in your code, you need to read some more about what this file is for.

I deleted img.conf, but

master I couldn’t do it, How can I add image library? I can’t fix yet?

You select the Help menu and click on Search, then you type “Extra library”.

My name is Mario and not master ;-)

yes you are master for me:D

Fixed Now:D Thank you mario

Also at this time


I have added img library but still Error giving

Do I need to another library?

Sorry I have Written wrong!..