Reporting bugs to QNX

Our valid QNX support plan has expired 1 month before. So is it possible for us to report bugs in QNX? If possible kindly specify the procedure for reporting the same.

I’m sure that QNX tech support will take the information without a valid support plan. What they won’t do is actually do anything about it unless there’s some clear need to. And even then, you probably won’t get it fixed without a valid support plan, because the fix will probably be in a future update you can’t download without said plan. So telling them would just be a “Good Samaritan” act. Of course, you can also post on Foundry27 or here on and see if anyone has a work-around.

-James Ingraham
Sage Automation, Inc.

P.S. I find it difficult to believe you’ve found an honest-to-goodness bug. It’s possible, but generally speaking QNX is very robust.

QNX have their bug just like the other guys ;-)

Sure. Heck, “Neutrino” was unusable before 6.2.1. Still, real bugs (as opposed to "it didn’t do what I thought it should) are uncommon. And usually corner cases.

-James Ingraham
Sage Automation, Inc.

What is the bug?

I might take either side depending on what one means by Neutrino. QNX uses Neutrino to refer to the kernel, and I would agree that kernel bugs are rare. If you are talking about the whole OS, well it’s not so tight. In the last few months I’ve come across two bugs myself. One was Photon related and had to do with reading data from the screen. There was no problem with 6.3.2 but from 6.4 on there were conditions in which instead of what was on the screen, nothing would be read. There was a work around. I think the other bug had to do with an incompatibility between name_attach() and a Photon call to create a timer. I’d be more specific but I’m fuzzy headed in the morning.