So, x86, QNX 6.4.1.
I’m building my image. Nothing exotic except runnig ksh scripts from image.
All worked fine for a month.
But yesterday I did “shutdown” … and failed.
The device has not rebooted yet.
Enter something from the keyboard is impossible. I can only switch between the consoles (there ware 4 consoles, but now it’s 2). CTRL + C and others also does not work.
All processes are working properly to my mind.
For example, the device is available via qnet. If I run

on-f hostname sh

on another pc, I can work normally with the device.
Here are some utilities output:

# pidin mem 

90161168   1 proc/boot/shutdown 255f STOPPED           12K  108K  8192(516K)*
            @b0300000             468K   12K

# pidin flags
     pid name               Flags
       1 boot/procnto-instr 00019001
       2 proc/boot/slogger  00000210
       3 proc/boot/pci-bios 00000210
       4 proc/boot/pipe     00000210
       5 roc/boot/io-pkt-v4 00401210
       7 roc/boot/devb-eide 00401210
   57350 proc/boot/io-usb   00401210
  225288 proc/boot/io-hid   00401210
  225290 /boot/devc-con-hid 00000210
89124873 oc/boot/devb-umass 00400210
90161168 proc/boot/shutdown 00000280
90185739 bin/sh             00010200
90320908 proc/boot/pidin    00000200

# top
13 processes; 66 threads;
CPU states: 99.1% idle, 0.8% user, 0.0% kernel
Memory: 0 total, 141M avail, page size 4K

        5     2  21 Rcv       0:04:57   0.53% io-pkt-v4
        2     1  21 Rcv       0:00:33   0.13% slogger
 90345484     1  10 Rply      0:00:00   0.11% top
        5     3  10 Rcv       0:00:00   0.03% io-pkt-v4
    57350     2  21 Rcv       0:00:24   0.01% io-usb
    57350     3  21 Rcv       0:00:21   0.01% io-usb
        1     7  10 Run       0:00:08   0.01% kernel
   225290     1  20 Rcv       0:00:05   0.00% devc-con-hid
        5     5  20 Rcv       0:00:00   0.00% io-pkt-v4
    57350     6  10 NSlp      0:00:00   0.00% io-usb

             Min        Max       Average
CPU idle:     99%        99%        99%
Mem Avail:   141MB      141MB      141MB
Processes:    13         13         13
Threads:      66         66         66

# ps
       PID TTY          TIME CMD
  90185739 ?        00:00:00 sh
  90337292 ?        00:00:00 ps
  90161168 ?        00:00:00 shutdown
# ps -e
       PID TTY          TIME CMD
         1 ?        17:41:04 procnto-instr
         2 ?        00:00:34 slogger
         3 ?        00:00:00 pci-bios
         4 ?        00:00:04 pipe
         5 ?        00:05:03 io-pkt-v4
     57350 ?        00:00:47 io-usb
         7 ?        00:00:13 devb-eide
    225288 ?        00:00:01 io-hid
  89124873 ?        00:00:00 devb-umass
    225290 ?        00:00:05 devc-con-hid
  90185739 ?        00:00:00 sh
  90361868 ?        00:00:00 ps
  90161168 ?        00:00:00 shutdown

We can see “shutdown” is in the STOPPED state. All that “shutdown” has killed - two of the four consoles.
As I understand it, STOPPED state means that SIGSTOP is received. But who and why has send SIGSTOP?

What could be the reason of shutdown fail and how to prevent it?
Sorry for the long post.

The reason you are only switching between 2 console is probably because all the processes on the other two consoles were killed, so this is a good thing. If you want to go to one of those “dead” consoles, use CTRL-ALT-# where # is 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.

A straight “pidin” no parameters might have helped. It’s good to be able to see if any processes are message or mutex blocked.

Last guess, I think you can put something into the “stopped” state by running it on a shell and while it is running, typeing CTRL-Z. At least older versions of QNX did that. I’m not sure about QNX 6.
If that’s the case you create a shell which the stopped program is waiting for. You can release by CTRL-D which allows the shell to die. You would have had to have caused this manually.

maschoen, thanks for reply.
About switching between consoles - two of four “/bin/sh” processes were killed, so it’s the reason.
About STOPPED - I had no actions performed. System started, QNX started and some minutes later I’ve just typed “shutdown” in shell.