Unable to launch io-graphics


I’m trying to run a small photon application on my embedded system (for instance phcalc).

Here’s my issue :

I am able to run io-display, see my display.conf :


device {
display {

I am able to run vsync.

I can’t launch demo-alpha > sloginfo :

When I run io-graphics I’ve got the following error :
Oct 15 15:07:47 6 8 0 Primary active: 0 9 7
Oct 15 15:07:58 6 8 0 VGA primary : bus 0x0 dev/func 0x9
Oct 15 15:07:58 6 8 0 Found 1 PCI/AGP display devices
Oct 15 15:07:58 6 8 0 pci_init: found PCI device 1022:2081
Oct 15 15:07:58 6 8 0 No config file specified

Oct 15 15:07:59 6 8 0 Primary active: 0 9 7

Il I launch Photon binary and then phcalc (for example), I have :
“unable to attach to font server, pf_attach() : No such file or directory”
“Ap: Unable to locate Photon (2)”

If I run phfont I have : "PfAttachLocalDllArgv() : Invalid argument "
and the following slog :
Oct 15 15:07:59 6 8 0 Primary active: 0 9 7
Oct 15 15:12:42 1 8 0 phfont: init…
Oct 15 15:12:42 1 8 0 phfont: unable to load font extension rules

If I run ph script I have : “Unable to start graphics driver(s)”
and the followin slog :
Oct 15 15:16:46 1 8 0 phfont.so: init…
Oct 15 15:16:46 1 8 0 phfont.so: unable to load font extension rules
Oct 15 15:16:46 2 8 0 io-graphics: FAIL PfAttachLocalDll(): Invalid argument, please verify font server
Oct 15 15:16:46 2 8 0 fontserver_setup()

My environment variables are defined hereafter :
setconf _CS_LIBPATH :/proc/boot:/lib/dll:/dev/shmem:/lib:/usr/lib:/lib/dll:/lib/dll/font:/usr/photon/lib

I’m running QNX 6.5.0. My board is a Rhodeus Geode (AMD 500Mghz) : diamondsystems.com/products/rhodeus

My starting point was this official BSP : community.qnx.com/sf/wiki/do/vie … odeLxdb800

But I had to change things (surcvh as realtek driver)…

I use devg-lx800.so graphic library.

Any help would be appreciated.


The key seems to be this message:
phfont.so: unable to load font extension rules

I’m not where I can get at my 6.5 system right now, but on a 6.3.2 system which I think is the same I see the following directory


In this directory are various .phf and .tff files. There are also some control looking files:

fontdesc, fontdir, fontdynamic, fontext, fontkey, fontmap, fontopts, fontorient, fontpreferred and mappings.

I imaging you are missing some of this. In particular, the fontext file has this one line:

+normal = primasansbts, primasansmonobts, phcursor

Thank you for your answer. It actually helped a lot and solved my issue !
I had already checked my /usr/photon/font_repository directory before but I didn’t noticed that several files were empties (such as fontext).

Something probably went wrong during the copy in the first place. Anyway thank you, I’ve been on that for weeks !

Cheers :stuck_out_tongue: