Driver availability for Bluetooth, WiFi, Zigbee

Does QNX have drivers for Bluetooth, WiFi and Zigbee ?
Also QNX is IEC 62304 compliant. Does it have any OS version dependency or all versions of QNX are IEC 62304 compliance ?


A third party provides a Bluetooth stack. I’m not sure if it is available through QNX or not. There was at least one WiFi chip that was supported, and there may be more. I’ve not heard about Zigbee.

I know nothing about IEC 62304 compliance, but this might be of interest … 625284.htm

At the risk of sophistry, The IEC 62304 compliant version of QNX is IEC 62304 compliant. That seems to be what the article is saying. Whether that is a special version or the general release of some version is unclear. Even if someone here claims to know, I think you will have to check with QNX.

A simple look at the QNX web site lists it as a separate product so it is clear. Obtaining the IEC 62304 conformance surely was quite an effort so QNX will charge extra money for it. Logical.

Thank u all for your support.
