I made a program in Qt4.7 and wanted to crosscompile it on my windows8 machine for QNX bsp for Beagleboard-xM.
Until now it was working fine, but now I tried the add vector graphics and thus addes a QGraphicsSvgItem to my program.
Now i cannot compile it anymore! Everytime I get the error “QGraphicsSvgItem: File or Directory not found”.
I looked into my QNX directory and in “\qnx650\target\qnx6\usr\include\qt4\QtSvg” I found these two files:
So it should be able to include the SvgItem, or not?
what could be my problem?
I added the missing .h-file to my program. Now it can compile, but stops t the end with the following error:
moc_qgraphissvgitem.cpp:79: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘struct QGraphicsSvgItemPrivate’
qgraphicssvgitem.h:56: error: forward declaration of ‘struct QGraphicsSvgItemPrivate’
→ What the … ?? I searched for this struct but couldn´t find good infos in the internet…
Next I got the Qt4.8.2 lib and added them to my armle-v7/usr/lib -directory
→ Didn´t help me… Idea was that it could be something with qt4.8… but doesn´t look like so…
I now found my problem:)
Thanks to maschoen and some other people i got the idea to check the makefile and thus the qmake_qnx.bat file.
There i had to add the module “svg”. now it is compiling and running correct.