Phindows working Environement

can u pls help me that Phindows 2.0.0 will work on Windows 7 64-bit OS

I don’t know which version of Phindows I’m running right now. It’s the version that came with the Momentics that comes with QNX 6.5. It works fine on Windows 7 64bit.

if i copied my License and Press Ok in the Phindows screen means. The Same screen is appearing once again. I am unable to go to the next step.

When i Entering the License Key in this page. And Press “OK” it is again showing the Same screen Which i attached.

i am unable to predict the Error.

i am a login user not a Admin

Phindows seems to be working fine. You have a licensing problem. You should contact QNX about it. They should be able to help you.