QNX versions

I don’t know what the architecture of voyager is. My guess is that it would be part of the Voyager server, but that is just a guess.

Ok Maschoen, I also think its a part of Voyager server.
Suppose we are porting any rendering engines like gecko/mozserver etc with HTML 4 and CSS support to QNX 4.25 with Voyager 2.02 as the browser.
Will there be any limitation that can arise using Voyager 2.02 as the browser.
From my understanding, Voyager browser shall not impose any restriction. Browser can transparently support all the features that rendering engine provides.

Please comment on this.

Thanks in advance

I think that’s right. I believe the rendering engine does just what you would expect, renders a rectangle which Voyager then blit’s into it’s frame. The big question is, what does the interface between Voyager and it’s server look like. You will either need information from QNX or reverse-engineeer it.

The interface means something like IPC. :question:
And could you please describe in this context what is meant to “reverse-engineer”

Being QNX, the interface between Voyager and it’s server very likely uses IPC, specifically message passing.
It is also possible that shared memory is used.

By reverse-engineering, I mean using the existing software to try to figure out how it works, so that you can substitute the Webkit engine for the existing Voyager/Spyglass engine. There is no straight forward way to go about doing this. That is why I suggested talking with QNX first to see if they will provide source code that might make the job much easier. You might use a debugger and step through the code, though I think this would be a painful way to go about it. Another idea would be to build a server and see what the messages being sent back and forth look like.

I don’t want to be miss-understood here. I’m answering your questions in a logical manner and trying to be as helpful as possible, but I really believe that it is unlikely that you will succeed.

If you have the resources to attempt this, you probably have the resources to get QNX involved. If you don’t then hopefully you are an extremely talented and persistent programmer.

Yes Maschoen, I got it.

Actually in QNX 6.3, we have Voyager browser 2.10 with mozserver as rendering engine. Voyager server(vserver) binary was also present in QNX 6.3.
So we thought we could easily configure Voyager browser to change mozserver with vserver using the command # voyager –P vserver
But the voyager browser prompt JavaScript Exception[Screen shot is attached]

We could configure any rendering engine for Voyager browser, but modification may be required in the interface between rendering engine/voyager browser. Is this understanding correct ?
