I am calling mq_open as
mq_open(qname, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_NONBLOCK, 0666, &mqattr );
in regression test mq_open is failed with errno 78
I checked qname and found that its size less than 64
however I found that errno 78 indicates ENAMETOOLONG The length of name exceeds PATH_MAX
ref: qnx.com/developers/docs/6.3. … ml?lang=de
what are the possible cases/reasons that mq_open() failed with 78
I am linking my sample app with -lmq
could you please guide me to solve this issue
I tried to hard code the value and run the test …
able to get the “/dev/mq/test1”
but while doing regression test it failed and test1 is present.
I am not sure why it is there … because I did not call mq_unlink() so it is still present
I am communicating with other process running on same qnx system
thanks for the inputs
sorry Tim I could not share the code . It is proprietary code
I am trying signal handler mechanism , will post you soon
is any qnx tool or utility help me to do analysis