I need Your help with next trouble - when I start the system(I have made my own bootable image OS) I receive next message:
sh: No controlling tty (open /dev/tty: No such device or adrress)
sh: warning: won’t have full job control
After that, when I type the command, it itypes incorrect,for example: #ls
sh: dsl:cannot execute - No such file or directory
‘no controlling tty’ means you have no terminal. So if your shell exits it can’t be restarted. Normally you start ‘tinit’ during bootup which starts a shells each time a user logs in (note that tinit would need to be in your bootimage or harddrive/cf card) .
‘sh: ls:cannot execute’ says you don’t have the ‘ls’ command. Does your bootable image contain the ‘ls’ command (or is the ls command installed on a harddrive/CF card)?
Another issue that will arise is the need for this directory to be populated (at least for the terminal types you want to support, normaly “ansi” and “vt100”). Otherwise, “TERM=” lines mean nothing and you can’t run programs like fdisk and vi.