I am running QNX 7.0 BSP over Xilinx Ultrascal evaluation board. QNX BSP for this specific board is available on QNX website, however there are some drivers which are not yet incorporated in BSP.
I want to access AXI bus of Xilinx using QNX Application i.e. read and with on AXI memory using AXI APIs which are available in xil_io.h which gets generated when we create hardware platform for this board in Vivado.
What i want to learn here is how i can update or link QNX BSP with with these AXI APIs / AXI driver to perform AXI transaction using QNX Application?
Generally speaking, you don’t need a driver to access hardware in a QNX process.
Can you post the content of xil_io.h (don’t forget to use Code tags) ?
But this file is included in BSP which is generated from Xilinx hardware platform and is not available in QNX7.0 BSP.
Also i am not sure about this but i believe even if we use mmap to read / write on memory location, we need AXI driver in BSP.
i have tried using mmap_device_memory and got virtual address for the physical address i have passed but as soon as i try reading or writing anything on that address, CPU hangs and i need to reset the system.
This is how i am using mmap_device_memory API and reading value from address