Several installer questions

Hi all, here are my questions :

  • I’ve got 630_firefox-0.8-x86-public.qpr.tar, so I untarred it
    and I get 630_firefox-0.8-public.qpk, 630_firefox-0.8-public.qpm,
    630_firefox-0.8-x86-public.qpk, and 630_firefox-0.8-x86-public.qpm
    What am I to do with these, as the installer expects a .qpr ?

  • How can I make my own .qpr if I make a program myself ?

  • When I install a package, how can I use the software after ?
    I mean, where is it located, and how can I launch it ?

Excuse me for my stupid questions, I’m really new to QNX.
Thanks in advance.

You shouldn’t need to untar it, the QPR is a tarball but you can just install it directly with qnxinstall.

I had already tried with the GUI installer, and I said it wasn’t a valid
.qpr file… I’m going to try with qnxinstall. Thanks for your answer.

BTW, you should download the 621* files, not the 630* files.

The 630* files is for QNX 6.3.0 which is current under beta. Not many people are actually on the beta, most of us are running the QNX 6.2.1

Ok thanks, now I get the meaning of the prefix 630 :smiley: